Though the island is small in size, Sri Lankan Recipes are pleased to introduce an astounding Sri Lankan Recipes in a wide selection of food as well as the methods of cooking. Sri Lankan recipes acquires an abundant heritage of native Sri Lankan Recipes as well as regional cooking is highly special and diverse.

Like in most countries, the common dishes are prepared in villages; to acquire specific Sri Lankan Recipes will be very difficult. They don't create recipes with the aid of a cookbook. Everything is by working through taste and adjustment of seasonings. This is how Sinhalese women prepare their dishes, and there are no women who cook similarly. Every women uses a different ingredient to prepare a Sri Lankan Recipes, therefore how they interpret a dish is entirely special. When Sinhalese women told you of a specific measurement of a seasoning or any ingredient, she will demonstrate it to you with her hand gestures. When you want to prepare a Sri Lankan Recipes, you better take a look on how the women in the country cook their meal and you must make a trial and error method of cooking the food. Once you achieve a perfect meal you should write it down so you can remember how it is created.

Egg Hoppers

2 cups white long grain Rice
3/4 cup THICK Coconut milk or Evaporated milk
1 tbs Cooked white Rice
1 tsp dry Yeast
1/2 tsp Sugar
2 tbs lucke warm water
1-2 cups THIN Coconut milk or diluted Evap. milk

Soak rice in water overnight (or until soft).
Add yeast and sugar into luke warm water and set aside.
Drain water from cooked rice.
Blend the soaked rice, milk and cooked rice in a blender until thick and creamy (The consistancy should be that of thick cream).
Transfer into a bowl and add the foamy yeast mixture. Mix well.
Close and leave in a warm placefor at least 6 hrs.
Add thin warm coconut (or diluted evap. milk) to the thick batter while stirring (The consistancy of the batter should be similar to pan-cake batter).
Add salt to taste.
Pour spoon fuls into heated, greased hopper-pan (Can experiment with a Chinese wok, which is similar in shape to a hopper-pan)
make sure that the inside of the pan is well covered with the batter.
Close with lid and cook until done.
To make egg hoppers, cover the inside of the pan with the batter by swerling it (same as before) and then crack-drop an egg to the center, close with lid and cook until done.

The combination of plain and egg Hoppers are delicious when served with sambol or curry.

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